"Always have a Vivid Imagination, for you never know when you might need it." -J.K. Rowling

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Year, New Post

It's a little ways into the New Year, and I've realized that I haven't been very good about this whole blog thing. My friend's facebook said that her New Year's resolution was to keep up a regular blog, so that got me thinking. People have asked me what my resolution is, and I didn't have an answer. Sure, I've made them in the past- cut down on the swearing, eat better, exercise, blah blah blah- but I've never really followed any of them.

I've decided to steal my friend's resolution (is that wrong?) and take this blog experiment one step further and say that updating Peacocks and Fairytales on a regular basis is my New Year's resolution. What is a regular basis, you ask? As of now, I'm putting it out there that I'm going to be write once a week. That's the groundwork, but hopefully there'll be some weeks when I post multiple times. What a shock that would be, right? I thought about having a specific day a week that I'd have to post, but then I threw that idea out of the window. It just made it seem like I was doing homework, and I'm not Okay with that. I want this to be something that I want to do, not something I have to do.

So that's the plan. Hopefully I will be able to stick to it.

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