"Always have a Vivid Imagination, for you never know when you might need it." -J.K. Rowling

Friday, January 6, 2012

"Leprechauns make cookies, right?"

At work, we have a lot of tshirts that have to do with shows like Pretty Little Liars or the Secret circle. That got a coworker and I thinking about how I need to write a book ASAP so that it can get picked up by a network for a new series, since so much of TV is based on books now.

Not willing to let me go into what I'm sure would be a deal worth millions by myself- my coworker immediately started coming up with ideas for a plot that I can write about. Her brilliant idea? Leprechauns. Two gay male leprechauns to be exact. In her mind, leprechauns aren't getting the publicity that they deserve- it's all vampires and werewolves and witches who are hogging the spotlight- she she wants me to give them a moment to shine.

I guess the two gay leprechauns live in a hut and are unemployed- because in this world, much like our own according to her, leprechauns are under appreciated so it's hard for them to get jobs. At this point in her story, she looked at me and asked, "Leprechauns make cookies, right?"

I had to tell her that no, leprechauns guard pots of gold at the end of rainbows. Elves make cookies.

"Oh. Well the leprechauns and the elves team up."

"The cookie elves, or the shoe making elves, or the toy makers?" I asked.

"All of the elves. Every type, species, race, gender, whatever."

"And what do they do once they form this alliance?"

"They take over the world of little people."

I  looked at her, all four foot eight inches of her short self.

"Not little humans," she huffed. "They'd be in charge of gnomes and fairies and other elves and leprechauns. Stuff like that."

So apparently that's what my book will be about. Gay leprechauns who befriend cookie/shoe/toy making elves in order to take charge and rule a kingdom of tiny magical creatures. And this will be a best seller with a huge fan base that will eventually be a hit new series on the CW. I should start thinking of ways that I'm going to spend my millions.

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