"Always have a Vivid Imagination, for you never know when you might need it." -J.K. Rowling

Friday, March 16, 2012

Once Upon a TIme (Times a million)

Once upon a time, fairy tale fever invaded. It seems that the classic stories that I've always been obsessed with are now everywhere. There have always been remakes of the classics popping up in a new movie, one of the most popular being Cinderella retellings such as A Cinderella story and it's million and five sequels.

However, what's happening now doesn't feel like the occasional new twist on a fairy tale that used to happen. Now, it's like the tales have gotten together to form an army whose main goal is to take over entertainment. There are currently two fairy tale based shows on in prime time, they are launching not one but two shows based on Beauty and the Beast in the near future, two Snow White movies are about to come out, and the list goes on. Even preexisting shows that have nothing to do with fairy tales have episodes with fairy tales as the main theme. Where did it all come from, and why all at once?

It's gotten so bad, that my sister is at a point where she doesn't even want to hear the words "fairy tale". Obviously, I've been enjoying this mad fantastical rush that's hit, but it can't be good if there are others who feel like my sister. If the entertainment industry overstimulates everyone now, they are going to do what happens whenever there's a new fad- get sick of it and move on. But they're fairy tales! I have always hoped that it would be impossible to turn your back on something so classic, and I really don't want to be proven wrong.

So while I'm enjoying this surge of fairy tales that's going on, I hope that I'm not the only one. A world where people despise stories like Cinderella, Snow White, and Red Riding Hood is a sad world indeed.

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