"Always have a Vivid Imagination, for you never know when you might need it." -J.K. Rowling

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

It's been awhile since I've updated. It's also been awhile since I've written anything at all. I'm just getting over being sick, so I haven't been up for doing much else except for lying around and sleeping all day. I woke up the day before Halloweem with a fever and felt run down. When I finally went to the doctor they diagnosed it as sinusitis. Apparently it started as a cold, probably something I caught from going to Six Flags that weekend, and ended up in my sinuses causing me to have day and night coughing fits. All that that really means is that I didn't get much of anything productive done for the past couple of weeks.

So now that I'm starting to get back on my feet, it means that I'm going to start writing again. Here we go.

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