"Always have a Vivid Imagination, for you never know when you might need it." -J.K. Rowling

Friday, October 21, 2011

A New Tactic

*Written October 19th, 2011*

Well, I was going to work on my story today during my break, but I got halfway to work and realized that I had left my journal and printed pages at home. I couldn't go back if I still wanted to stop for coffee (which I desperately needed) before I headed in, so my break time plan went out the window. It'll just have to be put off until tomorrow, I guess. Hopefully the weather will clear up a little tomorrow so that I can be in the mood to walk to the Barnes and Noble Cafe to write instead of the chilly back room at work. When I get home tonight, I'll have to make sure to put the story and journal back in my purse so that I don't have another repeat of today. Not only that, but I left the books that I was going to return to the library today at home too. I guess the cold just made me scatter brained today. I mean, last night I slept with three blankets and a (Harry Potter) snuggie. That's just not right.

So, instead I've spent my break working on this blog entry. It might not be the story that I still don't have a completed draft for, but still a productive use of my time. Tomorrow I decided I'm going to take a new approach to this story. Instead of just trying to fill on the missing scenes, I'm just going to start from the beginning and write it through long hand there are some changes that I want to make to the story that's already done, so I'll be making those changes when needed or just copying the lines that are staying. This way, I won't let myself jump around to different scenes, and I can fill in all the holes. Maybe I'll even be able to turn out a draft by the end of the week. That would just be peachy.

In other news, I'm still waiting to hear back about the story I sent out. I plan on doing more market research just in case. But I'm staying hopeful.

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