"Always have a Vivid Imagination, for you never know when you might need it." -J.K. Rowling

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shimmer Magazine

I sent "Enchanted Land" out again today. It was to one of the magazines I found during my Google search on the train yesterday, Shimmer Magazine. They're another one that will pay for the stories they accept, so a lot of my hope went out in the email along with my story.

When I looked at the submission guidelines, they said that they required the submission to be sent as an email attachment. However, they said nothing about whether they wanted a cover letter or not. I didn't feel right sending the story attached to a blank email document though, so I just jotted down some of the generic lines I've put in other letters. I stated the name of the story, that I was a recent CCC graduate out of the fiction department, and thanked them for their consideration. It was short enough that they can take it in at a glance or skip, but it was also enough to make me feel alright about attaching "Enchanted Land" to it.

Now all that is left is to wait around for a few weeks to hear back from them. Shimmer Magazine doesn't accept simultaneous submissions, so there's not much else I can do with "Enchanted Land". While I'm waiting, I'm working on my other story's draft, and I've also sent out another story's first draft to a few friends to make some edits and suggestions.

Hopefully everything will work out as it should.

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